

DECEMBER 5, 2012: Fellow PL fan Sachiko Stratmore sent me an email back in early December about Mie having done a commercial for Puccho, a chewy candy that seems to be all the rage over in Japan. And it would appear that Puccho has an even larger global following as it has it's own Facebook page. However, the big deal here is that Mie wasn't alone in that commercial as she teamed up with AKB48, a currently super popular all-girl J-Pop group. Here's a pic Sachiko sent of Mie with the group:

FEBRUARY 6, 2013: Remember back in January when I posted a YouTube video of Mie in a candy commercial with AKB48, Japan's current top dog on the idol circuit? Well, fellow fan Neal Natsumeda sent me some interesting info, as in a 3:30 video on the making of the spot which I found to have been pretty cool! Oh, yeah, and the actual spot was also part of the video! Many thanks to Neal for the heads up! You can check it out here:


Hard to believe Mie was 54, that's FIFTY-FOUR when she did that spot, and while wondrous, if not miraculous things can be done with makeup, I'll be damned if she doesn't look all that much older than the girls she performed with! And, thanks to YouTube, I managed to find the actual commercial for your viewing pleasure, but don't blink as it's only 15 seconds long. Many thanks to Sachiko for providing this info.

JANUARY 18, 2013: One of the joys that comes from running this website is hearing from fans who correspond with me about their experiences with Pink Lady. In this case, an email from Donghwan Choi, a PL fan from South Korea who told me about something I honestly didn't know about....that Mie and Kei performed in Seoul in 1980 during something called The World Song Festival. According to Donghwan, the Ladies did ten songs, one of which was in Korean! How about that, boys and girls? Plenty damn cool! Donghwan was kind enough to provide scans of the actual album for our viewing pleasure!

Judging from the scans, it looks like Mie's sporting her semi-infamous jeri-curl hairdo from mid 1980, meaning the Seoul concert was after the girls' adventure in the States doing Pink Lady & Jeff. Again, this was certainly news to me, suddenly, I find myself wondering if there's concert video footage somewhere out in the great cyber-universe. If there is, I hope to find so I can share with everyone. Many thanks, Donghwan!

SEPTEMBER 14, 2013: I had goyyen an email from fellow Pink Lady fan Shannon Barker who told me she was looking to sell some Pink Lady memorabilia she owns. Being a wee bit short in the money department, I told her I'd let you, my readers know about this opportunity. Here's some of the items Shannon has available:

Pink Lady Memorial photobook

Mie's Mothership photobook

The limited edition UFO-shaped UFO TOUR DVD box with almost all original packaging including the figurines

Shannon also has non-Pink Lady idol items such as photobooks of Wink, Hiroko Yakushimaru, CoCo, Yui Asaka along with Shizuka Kudo memorabilia, Minako Honda memorial items, telephone cards, LPs + EPs, VHS tapes, DVD's, CD singles, and over 500 CD's. For anyone who's seriously interested in those items, please contact Shannon at