

DECEMBER 25, 2022: I learned about this purely by accident while surfing Facebook during halftime of an NBA game I was watching, and I found it to be most interesting. In the same vein of Kei-san who released a greatest hits compilation back in July that spanned the course of her post-Pink Lady solo career, Mie-san will follow suit with a similar collection coming out in 2023, called "Mie to Mie: 1981-2023 Alltime Best". Three days later, I got an email from CDJapan about MtM and that it'll be released on March 1st. Just like with Kei's compilation, I'm sure it'll be made availble for download via Apple Music. Once I get my hands on Mie's collection, I'll be sure to tell you all about it!

FEBRUARY 1, 2023: Great news for Pink Lady fans everywhere....a brand new video collection, called 'Pink Lady Chronicle' is on the way with a release date of April 19th! This 6-disc collection is culled from the many TV appearances Mie and Kei made during their heyday and beyond and features digital restoration and sound mastering for your big screen television, in addition, it will include box packaging and a booklet. Now, I'm sure you're all wondering, hey, Jeff, how much will this collection cost? Well, boys and girls, as of this writing, CDJapan is offering it for just over TWO HUNDRED BUCKS! Yikes! And that's on plain old DVD, imagine the price tag for a Blu-Ray release if it were available in that format! The mind absolutely boggles! On top of that, since this is collection is tailored for Region 2 (Japan), you'll need to shell out extra cash for a Region free DVD player to play the discs on. Of course, I'll see about getting my hands on 'Chronicle' and tell you all about it!