Here's something remarkable to show off to the Pink faithful. I won this extremely large poster (41" X 57") via a Japanese online auction four years ago, but didn't know what to do with it until now. Because it's so large (thus the title as it almost qualifies as a billboard), I originally wanted to frame it and hang it on the wall over my bed, but figured it would've cost me an arm and leg, but I can display it here and not spend a cent. As for the particulars, this poster was from mid 1980 (back when Mie-chan was sporting her saucy jeri-curl hairdo) and was an advertisement for Pink Lady's "Turning Point" tour, perhaps their last major tour before the girls called it quits in early 1981. As you can see, especially from the second pic, this thing's a whopper and is easily the largest piece of Pink Lady memorabilia I own, short of say, one of their actual costumes. Enjoy!