
In the years following Pink Lady’s initial break-up in 1981, Mie and Kei branched out to do solo projects in-between the occasional reunions, chief among them, acting roles, both on television, and on the big screen. No doubt the girls caught the acting bug after performing in their 1978 motion picture (see: Pink Celluloid), so it was inevitable that they’d go full bore into the thespian arena, and, from what I’ve seen, the girls performed quite admirably. The purpose of this page is present captures from the movies Mie and Kei starred in, and while the list is very small (one for each that I know of, and I’ll readily admit my knowledge is extremely limited), I think you’ll be able to see that girls took their acting quite seriously and came off looking polished and professional in the roles they took top billing in. Who knows, with their Pink Lady days behind them, perhaps Mie and Kei are busy acting on a movie set somewhere in Japan even as we speak. And so, as they say in Hollywood: “Lights! Camera! Action!”

Mie: "Call Girl"

Kei: "The Dog Judges Her Love"

Kei: "Codename K"