
In 1989, Kei-chan released "Voice Cologne", her amazing solo album, perhaps her most famous album ever where she sang half it's ten tracks in French. The first time I listened to the CD in 2001, I was absolutely blown away as Kei sounded downright flawless as her low, sultry voice was tailor-made for crooning in the "language of love". Oh, yeah, five other tracks were in English which sounded darn good too! Now, what U.S. Pink Lady fans may not have been aware of is that around the same time, a TV documentary was filmed that chronicled the making of "Voice Cologne", and that Kei recorded the album in Paris itself where she lived for a time and was feted by the French entertainment media, highlighted by her singing one of the songs from the album live on TV! And it looked like Kei-chan was quite the celebrity during her stay. This feature presents captures from Kei's Paris adventure which I'm sure you'll enjoy, although the quality of the captures isn't Blu-Ray pristine since I worked with a multi-generational videotape.

Voice Cologne - One

Voice Cologne - Two

Voice Cologne - 3

Voice Cologne - Liner Notes