I like to think that I know a lot about Pink Lady, or, at the very least, I know enough to be dangerous. And one of the facts I thought sure I had down pat was that the furthest east Mie and Kei traveled during the course of their journeys here in the States between 1977 and 1980 was Las Vegas. Little did I know I was completely wrong about that. In mid-June of 2005, I won a PL picture book via auction which chronicled an adventure the girls had that took them all the way across the U.S., winding up in Florida, to be more precise----Disneyworld!!! Imagine my shock and surprise to have discovered that! I couldn't find an exact timetable for this trip, but judging from a couple pics which you'll soon see of the girls in a variant of their baseball costumes from "Southpaw", I'm guessing it had been around mid-1978. Kinda makes me wonder where else the girls had been to----Washington? New York? Philly? (Yeah, right! Wishful thinking!) Like most normal people, Mie and Kei looked to have had a blast and a half at the east coast version of the Magic Kingdom, and so will you when you check out the dazzling pictures I've presented for your viewing pleasure! As always, enjoy!

LEFT: From the cover to the book
RIGHT: Mie and Kei pose with the Stars & Stripes. I think they're topless behind the flag. Whoo hoo!

ABOVE & BELOW: Our bikini-clad beach bunnies in all their majesty. Spectacular!

LEFT: Not to dis my girl, but Kei-chan showed ZERO form in her dive off the board

RIGHT: Mie-chan has more than a little trouble with brain freeze

RIGHT: Two princesses in front of the Magic Kingdom. Very appropriate if you ask me!

LEFT: Those cute kids just don't know how lucky they were. I envy them.