

by Trooper Tru McCray

Greetings, fellow Pink Lady fans! It’s review time. This month’s subject is “Forever Pink Lady” from 1984.

To start off the show, they are dressed in one-piece pink sparkly suits with little pom-pom thingies on their left hands. They came down from the rafters with a slow interlude of “Two From The Star (Hoshikarakitafutari)”. When our Japanese Dynamic Duo finally reached the stage, the music picked up and the audience went wild. After that, they went into a medley of their greatest songs. Among them were:

Sergeant Pepper (Pepper Keibu)

Your Toast Girl

Pink Apple (Pinku No Ringo)

Aigiri Giri

Monday Mona Lisa Club

Carmen ‘77

Invisible Man (Tomei Ningen)

Super Monkey


Pink Typhoon


Strangers When We Kiss (Utakata – Japanese version)

Kiss in the Dark


Chameleon Army

Surf Riding (Nami Nori) Pirates




Run Away Lady

Sindbad at the Beach (Nagisa No Sindbad)


…and the medley is done!

Next up, they talk to the audience for a while… then it’s song time! The song they open up with is: “Strangers When We Kiss.” After that is an all-time favorite: “Kiss in the Dark!” Next up… Hey what’s this? A costume change?It turns out this costume change was necessary; the outfits they wore were the same as those they wore for the cover of “Pink Lady Again: Suspense” (and please take note that KEI wore both shoes this time!).

They started this set with a rather fast-paced “Modern Girl.” Then they slowed the pace down for “With.” 

Next up… hey – you want to talk about quick changes, check this out! They slipped out of their evening gowns and revealed silver (MIE) and gold (KEI) mini-dresses for the next set – which started off with “Sindbad at the Beach (Nagisa No Sindbad)”. What made this set more interesting was the group of male backup dancers in the back. For the next song “Invisible Man (Tomei Ningen)”, the boys in the back were crouched down and covered by red mini-curtains running on and off stage. After that was “Monster” where the boys in the back were wearing monster masks. (Trooper’s note: for this song [in my opinion], the boys kind of upstaged MIE & KEI.) After that, the masks are removed for “Wanted”. 

For the next set, the boys are done for the night (thank goodness!) as MIE & KEI bless the crowd with “UFO”. Then the show is over… or is it? They come back on stage adding red gloves to their outfits for two more songs: “Southpaw” and (my all-time favorite) “Sergeant Pepper (Pepper Keibu)”. Now the show is over… and as always, Mitsuyo “MIE” Nemoto & Keiko “KEI” Masuda have millions [and millions] of Pink Lady fans [including myself] happy! To all my fellow Pink Lady fans, I hope you enjoyed reading this review as I enjoyed watching these legendary ladies perform together. Once again, I thank my fellow Chicagoan Joshua Parris for bringing Pink Lady back to my attention back in 2009, I thank Jeffrey Branch for creating the “Pink Lady America” website, and I thank Mitsuyo “MIE” Nemoto & Keiko “KEI” Masuda for bringing Pink Lady to this world. 

And most of all, I thank all of you for loving Pink Lady as much as I do. See ya next time, Think Pink, and God Bless.