

a review by Trooper Tru McCray

Ladies and Gentlemen… Pink Lady fans of all ages… welcome back to the Trooper’s Review! This month I bring to you a double-header!


Behind the scenes, and the music video itself

 When I first saw the music video on YouTube, I honestly didn’t know what to think. I mean – they are already awesome beyond words. Then I saw this exclusive behind-the-scenes footage. There were a select few scenes that I thought made them look super awesome. For one, there was one scene where both MIE & KEI were in a head shot, giving the camera a sexy look. To me, it was just a super-innocent look of sisterly love… because [even though they are not related] they have that special bond that can never be broken. Then during the second chorus, it looked like they were brushing some dirt off their shoulders (reference to “Dirt Off Your Shoulder” by rapper Jay-Z)… thus displaying an urban coolness about them. What really got me was the final scene in the music video itself, where it looked as if MIE & KEI were sleeping; it showed the absolute beauty and innocence of Pink Lady.

 Though I doubt that MIE or KEI would actually get tattoos, I think that would make them look super funky and even more awesome beyond words (reference to the painted tattoos on KEI). While watching the behind-the-scenes footage, I felt a little out-of-the-loop because my knowledge of the Japanese language is so limited! But it was fun watching them nonetheless. Then we go into the recording studio, where we witness MIE and KEI recording the song itself! End of video.

(Webmaster's Note: I'm surprised Tru didn't mention Kei's navel ring! Heh! Seeing that had floored me!)



Pilot Episode

Despite negative reviews and harsh criticism from all nay-sayers, I loved the Pink Lady & Jeff series (even though it was very short-lived).

As I watched this [previously unseen] pilot episode, I noticed a few differences. For one, the arena was quite small – not enough room for MIE or KEI to really move around for whatever performance they were giving. Now… Jeff Altman’s opening monologue, boring [as always]! Especially the part where he fake-faints… are you serious, man? And no, I am not hungry for laughs (well, from you anyway).

Then he goes and introduces Pink Lady. For the beginning of their performance, they come out in their kimonos and bow to the audience before singing. The first line they sing was from “Pink Typhoon”. Then they lose the kimonos and go into a disco beat… leading to “In The Navy”! Then they go into their 3-person dialogue (which is similar to that from the first official episode). And after all that there is a brief musical interlude with Jeff Altman looking like an idiot trying to dance with them.

Then they go into a small skit. Here’s the plot: MIE and KEI are roommates in this rather small apartment. MIE comes home first, with some grocery help from a rather dim-witted Herb Buchanan (played by Jeff Altman). When MIE offers to take him dancing, he accepts… but then he remembers that he has a special outfit for such an occasion. After Herb leaves, KEI walks in and sort-of scolds MIE for bringing a strange man with her. Then Herb comes back with a disco outfit (that he stole from John Travolta and apparently shrunk in the wash). Then the dialogue: 

Herb: Sorry to interrupt, but… who do I remind you of?

KEI: Pillsbury Doughboy.

Herb: That’s real cute… hey you must be Key. [Oh no you didn’t!]

KEI: It’s KEI.

Herb: I came in here and I heard you girls speaking that Chinese stuff. [Awww you idiot, are you serious?!?] Where did you learn that?

MIE: It’s Japanese.

KEI: In Tokyo, everyone speaks Japanese. [What a way to set him straight!] 

Then he makes a [failed] attempt to get cozy with them on the couch. KEI feels undoubtedly uncomfortable with Herb on the couch with her and MIE. Of course Herb goes on to blab about his girlfriend Teresa who “is slower than molasses” and “wasn’t playing with a full deck.” Next thing you know, Teresa walks in and catches him in the act. Just seconds after a rather botched introduction, MIE and KEI repeat everything that Herb said about her. Then Teresa walks off, MAD… [Tough break, dude!] but Herb is apparently unaffected, so he makes another failed attempt to get cozy with them on the couch. 

Herb: Here we go, just the three of us.

KEI: Four.

Herb: Four?

KEI: Anga-san! 

Next thing you know, the big guy (dressed in Sumo gear) busts through the wall and gets in a fighting stance – and if looks could kill, Herb would be pushing up Japanese daisies! Now here is what we did not see in the first official episode: KEI asked Anga-san to show him the door… at which time, the big man briefly lifted Herb out of the way and ripped the door off its hinges and said “Door”.

 Then comes the “Radio” section – where Pink Lady sings a verse or two to “On The Radio” by Donna Summer. After each verse, we see brief sketches as follows:

          Jeff plays a reverend who can supposedly heal people with his hands. His first “customer” is a young lady (played by MIE) who was dancing non-stop regardless of the fact that absolutely no music is playing. When “Reverend Jeff” lays his palm on top of the lady’s head, he says “YEAH! Come on home!” Shortly afterward, he “heals” himself and faints.

          In the next sketch, KEI interviews a dimwitted boxer named Leonard Moon (played by Jeff Altman) who “doesn’t have the brains of an ice cube”. His “training partner” was a side of beef named Roy. Now here is something else we did not see in the first official episode: Moon offers a piece of Roy but KEI said “No thanks!”

          MOTOWN REVUE: Pink Lady open this section as two-thirds of the Supremes with a brief excerpt of “Stop In The Name Of Love”. After that, we have “Disco Dick Nixon and the Richard Nixon Soul Revue”. 

After all that, we are treated to a special rendition of “You’ve Got A Friend”. 

Next, we are treated to some “coming attractions”, including…

          Jeff as a Sheriff who tries to keep women out of his town… until MIE & KEI show off their strength by breaking a wooden fence. Sheriff Jeff then changes his mind and offers to buy them a Tequila Sunrise. (Originally seen in Episode 6)

          An excerpt of Pink Lady performing “UFO”

          “The Adventures of the Pink Falcon” (played by MIE & KEI). Just as they attempt to steal a safe, Detective Jeff busts them and removes the rope from the safe. He tells the Pink Falcon that he knows all about their plan… when suddenly, with Jeff grabbing the rope and not thinking it through first, the Pink Falcon gives the cue to their accomplice: “OK, Mike!” And out goes Detective Jeff – through the window! (Originally seen in Episode 1)

Then comes the end of the show, where Jeff attempts to talk about something obscure… until MIE & KEI interrupt with another special surprise, much to Jeff’s brief dismay.

Jeff: You girls have got to trust me.

MIE: We do trust you Jeff.

KEI: We have a Japanese custom. At the end of the day, time to go into hot tub.

Jeff resists at first, but then he happily accepts their offer as MIE & KEI pour water all over a still-fully-clothed Jeff. As Jeff starts to enjoy this, Anga-san rises from the water, scaring the bejeezus out of Jeff once again.

Jeff: Whoa! I hope we got extra soap. Sayonara.

MIE & KEI: Good night!

Thus leading to a [short-lived] TV series that made me fall in love with Mitsuyo Nemoto and Keiko Masuda. Well my fellow Pink Lady fans, that will do it for this edition of the Trooper’s Review. I hope you enjoyed reading this as I have enjoyed seeing/hearing these wonderful performances. Once again, I thank my fellow Chicagoan Joshua Parris for bringing Pink Lady back to my attention back in 2009, I thank Jeffrey Branch for creating the “Pink Lady America” website, and I thank Mitsuyo Nemoto & Keiko Masuda for bringing Pink Lady to this world. And most of all, I thank all of you for loving Pink Lady as much as I do. See ya next time, Think Pink, and God Bless.